
Categorizing the Japanese fashion magazine

picture by http://www.nightscape.info/fhl/

do u know how many fashion magazines are published in japan?

There are almost ....60

these are categorized by generation and by fashion style.
In general, there are 2 fashion styles, namely, AKA-MOJI, AO-MOJI.

AKA-MOJI means red word .and conservative fashion magazines,
such as ViVi, Camcam, JJ and Ray belgont to be these kind fashion style.
These magazines’ title are in red, that’s way it called like this.

On the other hand,
AO-MOJI is for harajuku fashion style and mode fashion style.
AO means blue in japanese,
but these fashion magazines' title aren't in blue.
it's just a comparison with the color red.

but i think, these categories have been changed for 2years.
A new fashion style specie now makes the categories equal to 3.


first, conservative style.
such as Camcan, Ray and JJ
conservative style is like the office lady style.

the most popular models are Moe Oshikiri and Yuri Ebihara.
we call them Moe-chan, and Ebi-chan


second style is GAL style.
For example popteen, cawaii!, egg
Lots of people DYED their HAIR and PERMED them heavily.

picture by http://blog.shinseido.co.jp/news/archives/cat139/

the most popular models are Tubasa Masuwaka and Kumikki
They have produced products such as false eyelashes, cosmetics, and house clothes.
Tsubasa-chan, especially, earns 100billion yen a year for her products

TUBASA-CHAN wiz her products

The last style is the Harajuku style.
People who read Kera, ViVi and JILL are included here.
They like to express their individual style.

picture by http://ameblo.jp/fiapper-press/entry-11008666549.html

This famous model is Kyari-pamupamu.
She released some CDs with unconventional PVs (Promotional Videos).
One of the most popular idol groups, SMAP made a parody of the PV.

her PV1

All of the categories can be further separated into two,
depending on whether the reader likes to follow the trends or not.

The reader likes to case the trends or not.


Now you can see that Japanese fashion magazines are categorized into many parts,
where people can find their exact tastes.

If you have any questions, add a comment!

LOVE Alissa

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